Jack Frost National Golf Club | Golf Courses Blakeslee Pennsylvania… MORE

Jack Frost National Golf Club | Golf Courses Blakeslee Pennsylvania… MORE
BONNIE RAITT JUNE 15TH | THE MANN, PHILADELPHIA Bonnie Raitt is coming to TD Pavilion on June 15th… MORE
ANTHONY RODIA FEBRUARY 19, 2022 | MOUNT AIRY CASINO RESORT You know the crazy uncle you love but can’t be out in public with or the nutty aunt who will speak her mind to your friends and neighbors (whether they asked her to or not)? Well, they’re both present in the comedy of Anthony Rodia…… MORE
Your comprehensive guide to all things festive in NEPA! Submit your event: LOVE LOCAL NEPA: Holiday Edition Nov. 19-Dec. 31 | Festival Of Lights at Stone Hedge Golf Course, Tunkhannock: Stone Hedge Event Center Golf Course Nov. 26 – Dec. 19 | Elf The Musical, Shawnee Playhouse: AudienceView Professional (ovationtix.com) Nov. 26 – Dec. 27…… MORE
MAGIC 93 wants to thank our Loyal Listeners by keeping you up to date on upcoming contest, concerts, pre-sales and live appearances! Join our email and text clubs to be “in the know!” *Text and data rates may apply… MORE